The Secret to Keeping Your Diamond Rings Sparkling and Clean Revealed!

Owning a diamond wedding ring makes us not want to take it off from our finger. That is why we tend to do a lot of things with our ring on us. Oftentimes, we forget to take them off each time we apply hand lotion or doing household chores. Unfortunately, our daily routines can make our diamond rings lose its natural brilliance, thus making them look dull, dirty and cloudy.

Diamonds are natural magnets for dirt and grime. If you wear your diamond ring every day, you will need to clean it regularly to help maintain their brilliance and beauty. Keeping your ring clean does not only mean keeping it sparkly. Fortunately, there are a lot you can do to take care of your ring. This article aims to provide some easy and helpful tips to diamond owners.

 Keep them away from chemicals

It is wise to take off your ring when you are using harsh chemical or abrasive solutions, such as house cleaning agents, dish washing liquids because they can damage the metal settings, as well as dull its appearance.

Clean them regularly

If you want to clean your diamond ring at home, you can clean it using these simple solutions.

Fill a small basin with warm water mixed with a few drops of dishwashing liquid. After waiting for a few minutes, scrub it gently with a soft bristled toothbrush. Rinse it with warm water and use a soft cotton cloth to dry the ring.


You can soak your diamond ring in a basin filled with equal parts ammonia and cold water for 30 minutes. Remove ring from the solution and let it air dry.


If the two mentioned solutions are not enough to remove the encrusted dirt on the diamond’s surface, using an ultrasonic cleaner is the best option. The ultrasonic cleaner transmits low frequency sound waves through a cleaning solution (choose from the solutions stated above) to remove any accumulated dirt and grime. However, this method may not always be the best option because it can potentially shake loose your diamond from its mounting or worse, chip the girdles of your diamond ring.

A diamond may be the hardest substance on Earth, but still requires proper care and maintenance. You may afford to buy a new one from the stunning collection of diamond wedding rings, but it is still your responsibility and obligation to see to it that it never loses its natural beauty and brilliance.

Did you have any other tips for cleaning your diamond wedding ring? Let us know in the comments.